Author: sunrisewp

We Are Ready To SWEAT!!

We have been hard at work building the rock corral and the Altar for our Sweat Lodge at Sunrise! We now have our rocks and are ready to have one of our Elders hold an Opening Ceremony for our Lodge!! The excitement in the air at Sunrise is as thick as fog!!

Our Sweat Lodge Is Complete!

We are now finished our Lodge and ready to Sweat on Sunrise land!! This has been a long process and we are incredibly excited to procure the rocks and have our first sweat!!

Metis Nation Region 3

We were honoured today to have Metis Nation Region 3 at Sunrise Healing Lodge to tour our facility and share with each other how we can stand together to help people recover from addiction!

Thank You CDI College!!

Sunrise would like to express many thanks to CDI College for their generous showing of support and donation to our agency through their bottle drive!! We are very grateful for the work they do in the field of recovery! For more information about this fundraiser, please go to:


At the same time as we have been building the Sweat Lodge, we have been working tirelessly with our Alumni to clear and prepare the ground for our Traditional Garden! We look very forward to planting Traditional Tobacco, Sweetgrass and Sage with our clients!


We are very excited to say that we are very near completion of the Sunrise Sweat Lodge!! We are eagerly approaching the very first Sweat on Sunrise land!!! An enormous thank you to the Sunrise Alumni and staff that have worked tirelessly to bring us to this point!

Recovery Day 2019!!

Sunrise is humbled to be a part of the Recovery Day committee again this year and honoured to host the committee meetings on our land! Join us on September 08 2019 at Poppy Plaza to celebrate Recovery in our City! #recoveryday #Recoverycapital #Recoverymonth #wecanrecover#recoverycapitalconference

Recovery Capital Conference

Thank you Giuseppe and Jared for taking the time to engage Sunrise Healing Lodge in a dialogue about the Recovery Capital Conference and the vision that has been created for the recovery community in our country! For more information check out #recoverycapital #recoverycapitalconference #wecanrecover#recoveryday #recoverymonth

Sunrise Sweat Lodge!

We continue to move closer and closer to the day we hold our first Sunrise Sweat Lodge on our own grounds! Our staff are working very hard to complete the fire pit we have been approved by our Elders and the City Of Calgary to use on our grounds. Another vital step is nearing completion!!

Community Futures Treaty Seven: Disability Employment Summit

For the past two days Sunrise Healing Lodge’s Inpatient Services Supervisor has been in attending the Community Futures Treaty Seven: Disability Employment Summit and Career Fair. The event was organized by Community Futures Treaty Seven, and featured speakers and presenters such as Dr. Linda Many Guns, Sean McEwen (Calgary Alternative Support Services), and Johnathon Red…
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