Administrative Staff
Our Administrative staff work behind the scenes to keep our facility operating, raise awareness about our agency, and support our front line staff

Leslie Big Bull
Executive Director

Aimee Boulton
Director of Facility Operations

Huan Li
Accounting Director

Marketing & Accreditation Coordinator

Dorienne Proulx
Program, Addictions Counselling, and Facilitator Staff
Addictions Counsellors follow each client through their treatment journey, and facilitate our recovery groups

Jodie Uzelman, BSW, RSW
Director of Operations

Jordan Bareshinbone
Cultural Initiative Coordinator

Karen MacKay
Family Counselling Program Coordinator

Oman Ojwato
Addictions Counsellor

Leona Jarocki
Addictions Counsellor

Sara Benson
Addictions Counsellor

Mary Olarte
Outpatient Addictions Counsellor

Shaylene Spring Chief
Addictions Counsellor
Director of Inpatient Services, Admissions, and Full Time Client Support Partners
Client Support Partners staff our building around the clock, ensuring the needs of our clients are met each day

Jennifer Leggett, RSW
Director of Inpatient Services

Nada Hasan
Interim Inpatient Service Supervisor

Shannda Teddy
Client Support Partner

Jessica Young
Client Support Partner

Caitlin Braham
Client Support Partner

Client Support Partner

Clint Delorme
Client Resource Worker
Kitchen Staff
Our Kitchen staff create healthy meals to allow our clients to recover physically from a life in addiction

Doug Mueller
Kitchen Manager

Cheryl Anderson

Samantha Webb