One of Our Addictions Counsellors Reflects

My name is Tamra and I am an Addiction Counselor with Sunrise. When I found myself having to change careers late in life I had no idea that being an Addictions Counsellor, helping people through their struggles, would bring me to where I am in my life today, full of joy, happiness and fulfilment. Sunrise has brought new meaning into my spirituality through the power of a Creator, of my understanding, co-workers feeling like brothers and sisters and clients that I have been honoured to work with every day. My passion and belief in our program here at Sunrise is so great that it can seem hard to put into words. I have worked in many industries throughout my life and the feeling of acceptance and understanding has never been greater. From the moment I walk through the front doors I am always greeted with smiles and can hear laughter in the building which immediately makes me feel grateful to be here. I believed in the power of Creator before I started working at Sunrise but I can say without any doubt that my spirituality grows stronger everyday as we all continue on our own personal journeys together. I have seen clients follow through the AA – 12 Steps and they are currently living a life that they could never have imagined possible, which is only one of the reasons I love what I do.
With our brand new program clients go through the 12 steps before completing, it is an amazing thing to watch people change and grow through the hard times of recovery. The happiness that I feel for our clients as they walk that spiritual journey is felt by everyone and I know it will be passed on as our recovered clients go out into their sponsoring roles when they leave Sunrise. Personal spirituality is not just a part of my life; it is a way of life; for the rest of my life. We never stop learning no matter what age, gender or nationality we are, but I am proud to say that I get to do this alongside my fellow Sunrise family every day.